It is our honor to pray with you! The Bible says the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, yet something extraordinary happens when two or more agree together in prayer. In Matt. 18:19, Jesus said, “If any two of you agree touching any matter on this earth, it shall be done.” Request prayer below and believe that God is going to move mightily in your life as others join you in prayer and agreement with your request!

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

Mary Knighten

For me to be still and let God have his way in my life.

Received: August 22, 2018


My husband is struggling with 2 drug addictions. I have been clean and free 10 years now. It has gotten to the point where he can't keep any money after he gets paid. I pray and trust the Lord for his healing. Am I doing something wrong that I am not trusting in faith. It hurts because I am out of work now. He is the bread winner these last 3 months. I need help or intercessory prayer in his behalf. I know that the Lord has a plan for us and I'm trusting him and his word.

Received: August 22, 2018

Edmund Krzeminski

[We read] In the King James Bible, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."

O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland and Great Britain. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?

Please pray that Great Britain, Poland, the USA/Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).

* Poland, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,

* the Church in the USA & Canada & Great Britain – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

* my family:

1. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughter Ann, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15

2. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel and Ann (also God's protection over the company where she works),

3. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.

Edmund & Dorothy Krzeminski

Received: August 22, 2018


Please pray that I redeem and manage my time like never before. I am a writer, but I need to start writing what God has purposed me to write and I'm not sure what that is right now. I ask for prayer that I might serve in my community and share the word of God to those who need encouragement on my job. And lastly, I pray for motivation, direction, discipline and stamina in what I am able to manage--with my property, marriage, business, ministry and relationships or whatever God has for me.

Thank you so much

Received: August 22, 2018


Can you pray that I receive the indwelling of Christ so my brain injury heals, and the light, wisdom and truth of God are with me to write my books, and that the evil Muslim spirit named Azniv Harmandayan go to the pit of Hell and die by fire, as she torments my mind with abuse and abuses my philosophy counselling, as she is evil?

Received: August 22, 2018


Please pray for my marriage. My husband Tim and I have been married 9 years. He moved to the spare bedroom in February and told me he’s filing for divorce.

Things slowly deteriorated over the years to where we now live like roommates. He’s angry all the time.He says he's been unhappy for years and he can't be himself married to me.

He says he doesn’t love me anymore and wants out. I don't want a divorce. I love my husband.

Please pray for his salivation and the restoration of our marriage. I’m standing on Gods word for a full restoration and healing.

Received: August 20, 2018

Kenneth Wilson

Pray for our Grandmother Lenora’s families and friends for strength and comfort in their time of need. Pray for Israel and the Jewish people. Pray for my family. Pray for my mother and my father and their health, deliverance from alcohol addiction and needs. Pray for my older sister and her husband, pray for her two daughters and three sons. Pray for my older sister husband’s family for strength and comfort over the loss of his brother. Pray for my little sister and her friend. Prayer for my brother for deliverance from any addiction and salvation, and pray for his girlfriend for healing also his two baby sons. Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor for our relationship to grow stronger and better like never before pray that we won't break apart and her behavior also a miracle our relationship. Pray for my neighbor's whole family for deliverance, salvation also draws closer together. Pray for my neighbor's brother for deliverance for addiction and to turn his life around. Pray for my cousin Jason. Pray for my cousin Stacey and her family. Pray for my uncle Arthur for healing in his body. Pray for the victims of the shooting in Florida at a school. Pray for the victims of the shooting in a school in Santa Fe, Texas. Pray for the victims of those whose experience domestic violence for peace and comfort. Pray for the Billy Graham Evangelist Association and the Graham family. Pray for a sister in Christ who has cancer for healing and her daughter for deliverance from addiction. Pray for a sister in Christ coworker’s family for strength and comfort over a loss of a love one. Pray for a sister in Christ and her family for strength and comfort over the loss of her father. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ for their walk with the lord and their dreams all over the world and the churches also pray for the persecuted church in Africa. Pray for revival. Pray for families who had family members commit suicide for strength, comfort, peace, and guidance. Pray for my co-worker's sister for healing in his body and for those who are sick. Pray for a sister in Christ named Gina for her relationship with her husband for restoration and pray for her children for deliverance from wickedness. Pray for another sister in Christ named Elvira for her relationship with her children and her child to be deliver from wickedness. Pray for our Pastor for healing in his body and pray for him and his family. Pray our former pastor family. Pray for people who are living hard lives for peace and protection in every area in their life and their prayers. Pray for the teenagers and the children in all the communities for deliverance and salvation. Pray for a sister in Christ for her campaign. Pray for the United States and the President. Pray for those who preaching and teach different believes to people for salvation. Pray for those who are heartbroken from relationships or other painful event for restoration. Pray for the children on the bus and the bus driver. Pray for my co-workers and pray for myself for restoration in my relationships, dreams to come to pass and face to face encounter with the lord. Pray for Victory and the victories of others

Received: August 20, 2018

Kenneth Wilson

Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor for our relationship to grow stronger and better. Help us draw closer together than ever before. Pray that we won't break apart for our love to be better than ever and her behavior and attitude also a miracle our relationship. Pray for my neighbor's whole family for deliverance from wickedness and rebellion, salvation also draws closer together to do things the right way. Pray for my neighbor's brother, cousins, and others Pray for the children and teenagers at the school and in community for deliverance from wickedness and rebellion, salvation family members for deliverance for addiction and to turn their life around

Received: August 20, 2018

Janice Cerdas

I am dealing with an infection in my colon which is very painful. I went to the ER Friday night. Also, when I got a copy of the Ct-scan report I saw that I have calcification in my aorta which can cause narrowing of the valve. Please lift me up in prayer for God to see fit to heal my stomach and that there is nothing serious wrong with my heart. Going to the doctor at 2pm Eastern time on 8/20.

Received: August 19, 2018


I need prayer that i overcome anxiety in any kind of fear in that i have a career job that God want me to have in be debt free

Received: August 19, 2018

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