It is our honor to pray with you! The Bible says the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, yet something extraordinary happens when two or more agree together in prayer. In Matt. 18:19, Jesus said, “If any two of you agree touching any matter on this earth, it shall be done.” Request prayer below and believe that God is going to move mightily in your life as others join you in prayer and agreement with your request!

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!


Pray for God to give G.S., A.S., Nathan, J.C. and G.M. a new heart and put a new spirit in them. Pray God take out their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart.

Received: September 17, 2018


I love the lord. I’m struggling to where I was had a great relationship with God. I’m not sure how to get back there. I’m struggling as I have a child that is also a Christian but we continue to bump heads. I want respect as a parent and feel I don’t get it. It is difficult for me to talk to her because she will criticize me and find fault in all I do. She is moving far from me and it’s painful as she takes my grandkids away from me.

Received: September 16, 2018

Josefina Eklöf

Please pray for Grace over My Life as I am not yet able to overcome my flesh and carnal thoughts and I want Him to see me as righteous no matter what because I am clothed in His righteousness.

Please pray fervently as I am really struggling.

Received: September 16, 2018


Please pray that God would help me to overcome all oppression of the enemy and be more productive and focused in my days. Also pray that God would help me to fulfill my missionary calling in Jesus's name!

Received: September 15, 2018

Audrey Hall

Pray that my daughter will live a godly life and stop living with her fiance’ but marry instead. Pray that my son get his life togethet and be the man God called him to be

Received: September 11, 2018


I lost my husband in April of thus year. He was 48 years old. He had leukemia. Since then my life has litterly been falling apart around me. Pleaseagree in prayer with me for financial help and I need to know my purpose again. I've lost it and that's a very scary place to be. Thank you

Received: September 9, 2018


Struggling to continue to have faith as I battle depression and past hurts. Please pray that God would fully heal and restore me.

Received: September 7, 2018

Maria Mabra

My friend and band member, brother. Mike Andersen. His Cancer has spread to his brain. There calling in Hospice and stopping treatment. I pray for a full healing miracle. Full body recovery and restoration in Jesus name. Jesus you took the stripes, we are healed by your bearing of the stripes

Received: September 2, 2018

Geraldine Chavez

I am requesting prayer for me for God to help me with my healing in my body, I hurt my arm at work, Lord Jesus help me to understand if this job isn’t meant for me I pray you open a new door for me to another job where you want me to excel. If your calling me to full time ministry I pray you confirm this to me, i pray that my bills car note all be paid and theres food in my home to feed my children and grandchildren, I have seen your power in my life so I trust your going to move, I just need agreement with those in the faith along with me, i also pray for the fellowship with other believers to be in our lives and help to mentor me and my husband and family. Thank you Lord! Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ!

Received: September 2, 2018

Melissa Miller

I need prayer because there are two neighbor women who are bullying me like crazy they are trying to have me evicted wrongfully with false accusations and they are trying to have me falsely arrested as well. My best friend of Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety Officer Jesse is preventing me from being wrongfully arrested and he wants to help me in all areas of my life including my life with God and His Son Jesus Christ, Officer Jesse is a hard core christian. He does not like anything bad happening to me and he is very protective of me on and off duty ask some of my neighbors its true. The two neighbors named Shirley (white woman) and Christina (a white woman). Shirley is 67 years old and Christina is 50 years old. They hate Christians they tell me that I don't deserve friends and that there is no such thing as God or Jesus Christ. Christina tried to beat me up on Tuesday morning last week and she said that she will do it again when managment staff is not at my building here in Sunnyvale, California. Shirley and Christina were keeping me locked out of the building and I do take various medications to keep me alive and I have a cat that keeps me a live too and Jesus Christ. Please pray for me that my best friend in the police force at Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety, Public Safety Officer Jesse (he is police officer and Firefighter) and he got promoted to the K9 unit as well. Jesse named his German Shepherd Puppy Rick after my 1st Cousing Rick that is a Police officer for the city of Martinez, California. Please pray for their safety. The Pupp's safety while in training Officer Jesse safety and please pray that me and Jesse can grow stronger in the Lord Jesus Christ as brother and Sister in Christ and that Officer Jesse will never give up on me and my christinianity I want to be that future wife of Proverbs Chapter 31 to a Christian Public Safety Officer in Sunnyvale that is not married. Please pray for me and my situation that Shirley and Christina should be arrested for threatening me and trying to beat me up last week...I just heard Christina pick a fight with someone across the street too. Please help me and pray for me that Officer Jesse will always stick by my side when my cousin Regina asked him too and that he never gives up on me and that Officer Jesse and I can study the bible together and come to Redemption Church Bay Area together as friends...I want to bring other officers that are not Christian to come to CHrist too and I know Officer Jesse wants to do that too. Please help pray for me and Officer Jesse to be a team to bring others to best friends. pray for me to be the woman ideal wife of Proverbs Chapter 31. Officer Jesse is a hard core christian and he knows his bible and he is well versed. He has the Holy Spirit in him...My parents told me to hang on to Jesse because he's the best fit for me in all areas of life. Please pray for me that these two women will not succeed in their schemes and lies that they do accept the consequences from the police if necessary and the consequences from manangement staff as well these two women.

Received: September 2, 2018

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