It is our honor to pray with you! The Bible says the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, yet something extraordinary happens when two or more agree together in prayer. In Matt. 18:19, Jesus said, “If any two of you agree touching any matter on this earth, it shall be done.” Request prayer below and believe that God is going to move mightily in your life as others join you in prayer and agreement with your request!

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!


Please pray for our marriage that God will strengthen it and renew the love my husband and I used to share. Please pray that God may open the windows of heaven of heaven concerning our finances. Please pray that husband can find a Full time job and for my Son to get a place in University in Jesus Name.

Received: January 6, 2019


Please pray for my friend who really needs a blessing, he is being told to leave his home and find another place to live, it is difficult for him because he works really hard at his job, has no transportation to look for places so much, he has two beautiful children to support, and the only time he can spend time with him, is at his home. I pray that the Lord will send him a blessing and help him find a place to stay so he can be with his family again during these cold winter days. Amen.

Received: January 6, 2019


I ask for prayer for a strong year, I pray that I find the strength and wisdom to be a better Mother to my Son, my only child - I am a single mother and work really hard for us to live and survive on our own. I ask the Lord for his guidance because It has been hard these past 2 years since my divorce with my husband. I ask that he make a strong woman again with Christ our Lord, I ask that he help me make the right decisions and to steer away from all temptation. I pray that he protect us and keep us. Amen.

Received: January 6, 2019


My mother health is deteriorating fast

Received: January 3, 2019


My husband to come home and not divorce after 25 years of marriage.

Received: January 3, 2019

Angela Hughes

Please pray for my husband James the he would be the spiritual leader, provider and protector of our family. Pray that he puts the Lord first and listen to Jesus. That he would put the Lord first in our finances and honor our marriage. Pray that the Lord, would bless my husband’s work. that he would be diligent and prosperous and given favor both with the Lord and man. That he would be the

head and not the tail. That everything he does prospers.Pray that no weapon

formed against us would prosper.. That the Lord would give him wisdom and discernment. Pray that the Lord would give him strength to walk into

opportunities he provides. That the Lord, would infuse his character with

courage for daily decisions and heal the past wounds of my husband’s heart. Pray the Lord would guide my husband as the leader of our my husband’s parenting to reflect Jesus Christ to our children. May his

leadership skills be empowered by the mind of Jesus Christ. Pray the Lord would

lead my husbands hand and heart in our relationship, his work, our home,

community and church. Also please pray a guard over his heart, mouth and mind,

Jesus. Also to protect him from temptation and to be filled with the Holy

Spirit. Lastly pray for him to have encouraging and godly friendships. Break any soul ties or relationships that are not from the Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.

Received: January 3, 2019

Alphonse Munoz

I've prayed here before for God to help bring me the wisdom and peace and the circumstances for me to be with a girl I love very much. Her name is Ashley. Now I feel like all I need is more faith because I feel more confident around her and now I have a feeling that God just broke down a wall that was making it much harder for me to talk to her and ever since I've posted that prayer every interaction with her has been amazing. Please pray that God continues to help me like this and that he continues to get rid of any nervousness or reasons I have not to talk to her. I love her very much and I just want to be able to show that love to her. I thank God for her every single time I pray and I also pray for his protection over her. In jesus name amen.

Received: January 1, 2019

Wendy Rodenbaugh

Praise the Lord, Saints.

I humbly ask for your continued sincere prayers on my behalf as I still await the Lord's provision of a safe house of my own to leave this abusive marriage relationship.

It's clear now that not only does he have no intentions after all of stopping the horrible hurt and problems he and his "adult" daughter cause me, but he laughs and actually mocks God, me, and my faith in Jesus.

I know God shall pay him back because the Lord already said, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.

I ask that God keeps me Saved and safe and brings me out of this hellish place and relationship, and TRULY into my own "wealthy place"! This was supposed to be my blessing but it's obviously not now.

Received: December 31, 2018


Please pray with me that God brings me a God honoring husband and blesses our family with children that we can raise in the name of His holy father, and build a strong Christian family together. Please pray that Pablo return to me as this God honoring man, and that God has done great work in him and has developed him as this man.

Received: December 30, 2018


Pray for me and my wife and kids will start to going back to church. Pray that mine and my wifes marriage and love be renewed.

Received: December 27, 2018

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