our new giving system

To go along with the launch of our new website, we have also updated our giving system. Don’t worry though, the experience for you will be almost exactly the same. The first time you give, however, you may need to reset your password before you can log in. We also have a new text-to-give number, which you can see below. To cover the rest of the changes, please see the list of frequently asked questions below. If you still have questions or concerns, feel free to contact us here and we will be glad to help.

Why can't I log in?

Your old password should work, but if it is not, you can reset your password by clicking the “Forgot your password?” at the bottom of the login page.

What if I have recurring gifts in the previous system?

This is a very important one for many people. All recurring gifts should have carried over into the new system and been cancelled in the previous system, but we encourage you to check to make sure they are properly set up.

Will my contribution history be available in the new system?

Only your gifts through the new system will show on your history in the new system. You will need to log onto the previous system to view your older gifts.

How do I access the previous system?

You can access the previous giving system by clicking the text link directly below the “Give Now” button.

The text-to-give number doesn't match my records, has it changed?

Yes, we now have a new text-to-give number. Please make note of it and update the contacts in your phone. If you accidentally give to the old number, don’t worry, we will still receive your gift!

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